Migrating European financial call centres to a performance-boosting, cloud-based platform

Migrating European financial call centres to a performance-boosting, cloud-based platform

An international financial institution, operating in nine European countries, had found a unified comms solution for its 900 staff. The plan was to move from its mixture of legacy on-premise and cloud PBXs to an 8×8 cloud-based UCaaS platform within a Citrix virtual desktop infrastructure.

Earlier attempts to migrate UK locations had not gone so well, and the teams at those locations had lost a little faith in the new technology. Since the institution relies on the one-to-one rapport it generates with its customers, it had to fix the issues before it could risk any further roll-outs.

The institution needed a dedicated project manager who could bring all the stakeholders and technological strands together, reignite passion for the solution, and create an environment in which success was the logical outcome. My task was to understand the technology, build camaraderie and a can-do mindset, and lead the team that would deliver success.

It was a steep learning curve for all of us, but our forensic and inclusive approach teased out the evidence that made the problems identifiable and fixable. Step by step, we rolled out to larger contact centres, resolving fresh issues at each stage until we could make the final, company-wide release that unlocked huge quality and performance improvements.

finance case study

Migrating European financial call centres to a performance-boosting, cloud-based platform